Sonia Caldwell is a stone mason based in Skibbereen, West Cork. Her stonework is created mostly by hand using traditional chisels and mallets. She originally started her career doing sculpture and exhibited in galleries across Dublin.
Today, her collection of stone pieces creates an opportunity for people to own a piece of handcrafted Irish stone at an affordable price. She takes her inspiration for these stone pieces from many sources, both Irish and international, using mostly stylised images and adapting them to suit the clean lines that the stone offers.
Her stone bowls and vessels offer a chance to show off Kilkenny Limestone at its best, creating the beautiful contrast between the rough stone and the polished exterior.
For a long time Sonia has also been completing detailed studies in watercolours to assist with her fine art work. The Valentia stone used in Sonia Caldwell’s stonework reveals this beautiful mauve-grey tone as she shapes the stone with her traditional hand tools.
.Inspired Colour
Stoney Way
Take the road less travelled, along the Stoney Way. The Valentia stone used in Sonia Caldwell's stonework reveals this beautiful mauve-grey tone as she shapes the stone with her traditional hand tools.